When I reached Level 26, I was quite frustrated with being ganked by Horde so I found a way to vent my frustration. Battlegrounds. I was looking for a convienant way to battle the Horde like never before at my level. This led to another realization I discovered halfway through my BG career. There are very decent players on the other side. Even though it is all business, they conduct it in a way that makes me enjoy my experience and more often than not makes me laught. Towards the end, I got quite disgusted with all of the foul mouths from the Alliance side. Thus, I decided it was time to move on.
Just a shout out to all of the Horde on Warsong Gulch from Level 20-29. I know your characters are meant for BG in WSG and I respect that. Mine was never built to be like that. I was looking for a little something called fun and I managed to capture that by facing off against you all. More often than not, I could not kill one of you by myself. However, if I could help a fellow Alliance off you, I enjoyed doing so. Who doesn't? What I really enjoyed was the times against 3 or more Horde players. It was always fun to see how far I could get to your base or how long it took for four of you to kill me. What I really had a good laugh with is the fact that countless Horde would be pounding and scarping on me when I had Mr. Shield up. I knew I was dead but for eight seconds, I was King of the Hill. All of you have a good attitude about this game. I just want to give kudos to four in particular: Hollowman, Calibos, Mylittlepony, and Astrocreep. You four know how to get the flag and run with it. I'm sure I stunned each of yo at least once but there was always a Sap, Frost Nova, or Psychic Scream that allowed you to slip away. Best of luck to you all and may you steal many more flags in your careers.
As for the Alliance side, I am more disappointed with than anything else. I know there are regulars who play it but besides teaming with Wewt and Lynyrd once, I was not able to play with any other from Godlike. Therefore, it was mainly a mix of players that were good at best. Everyone has skill in this BG but I just don't appreciate being harassed over the general chat.
I might show my face around Warsong Gulch once more since I have reached 29 but the odds of that happening are slim. The urge to get a mount is eathing at me and I am so close. One day, I may return as another character who is better prepared to battle in Warsong. Best of luck to both sides.