Everyday conversing about World of Warcraft and other issues.
Published on October 20, 2005 By Phacias In Welcome
The first entry for the lonely little Dwarf Paladin on Skullcrusher.

There isn't really much to say in the way of welcoming.

All I have to say is that I am almost halfway through the uphill climb of reaching level 60.

So, with that, I close and hopefully continue with this project.

on Oct 20, 2005
Hey man, I can't really remember playing with you but im glad you remembered heh

Just stopping by to say hi, and that good luck with your paladin in the future, I'm not to sure if Godlike is going to be a guild much longer...I'm giving my GM spot up, to xfer to the new server :/

on Oct 27, 2005
Best of luck to you as well.

I might end up rolling a Horde over there and we might cross paths someday.

That is, after I get the pally completely done.